Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sexting: Knowing the Risks and Staying Safe

Cell phones have become an essential accessory for our generation. The explosion in technology has led to people incorporating it into their personal relationships—including “sexting” (shorthand for sexy-texting) which can be anything from a sexy text message to nude or semi-nude pictures. The allure of sexting is the belief that it’s discreet, convenient, and (supposedly) safe. And because you’re sending them to someone you know and trust, it’s easy to think that pushing SEND is harmless; if it doesn’t become physical, then you can’t get hurt, right?

As it turns out, sexting can be very dangerous because these messages can be saved forever, forwarded to strangers, and shown to other people without your consent. All it can take is one fight with your significant other who forwards your pictures to their entire contact list. At this point, you can do nothing to stop those messages from spreading or to stop them from being accompanied by your number, face, and an extra message to "Pass it on!"

Many things could happen to you at the center of a Sexting situation:

  • If you are under 18, sending naked pictures of yourself can be considered producing and possessing child pornography (a felony that could land you in prison or permanently on the national sex offender list).
  • You could become a victim of bullying and harassment from peers.
  • You could also be blackmailed into giving out more compromising photos of yourself, an act referred to as Sextortion.
So the next time you get a risqué text or want to send one, think to yourself:
  • Would I say these things to him/her in person? Am I ok with others knowing what I say or do?
  • How would others react to what I’m doing? Could this text hurt me in the long run?
If you are being prompted to sext, the best thing to do is cut the conversation off, wait until you’re alone with that person and set some boundaries about what is appropriate for you.

Parents and providers can attend a FREE upcoming sexting workshop! Click here for more information.

…and for more information about sexting and sextortion, check out these links:

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