Monday, February 15, 2010

Rise in Teen Pregnancy Rate…Again?!

Yes you heard it right. Not only has the teen pregnancy rate in the United States risen for the first time in over a decade, but it has now risen for the second consecutive year.

2005 saw the first increase in teen pregnancy rates after a 14 year decline and 2006 quickly followed suit.

Could it be that abstinence-only education has played a role in this rise?

With this current trend, it’s a wonder why some people still take an abstinence-only-until-marriage approach to sex education. How much more research must show how ineffective these programs actually are before people pay attention? Luckily, the President supports comprehensive sex education which means more money going toward programs which are evidence-based.

Planned Parenthood of Delaware believes strongly in the importance of comprehensive sex ed and offers a variety of educational programs to the community. To view our list of services or to schedule a workshop, click here.

And to read more about teen pregnancy in the U.S., check out this Washington Post article.

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