Monday, July 12, 2010

What's the big deal about Twilight?

If you haven’t yet noticed that Twilight has become a worldwide phenomenon, you might be a little out of the loop. And if you haven’t yet been asked whether you’re for team Team Jacob or Team Edward, it’s probably only a matter of time.

So much controversy seems to surround this series, however, that blogs and opt-ed pieces like this, have popped up everywhere. While the films may seem fairly benign – just another show about teen angst wrapped in a modern day love triangle, filled with mythical creatures like vampires and werewolves - there may be more to its message. Is Bella the delicate damsel in distress, needing constant supervision and protection from the men in her life? Or is she the woman in charge, able to go after the man she wants, while deciding her own fate? There are so many theories floating around that it’s enough to boggle the mind. This is where Planned Parenthood of Delaware (PPDE) has stepped in to help parents and providers sort out these themes and find ways to help teens negotiate media messages.

As part of our Summer of Learning series, PPDE will be presenting our next workshop, Twilight, Teens and Vampires: The world of teen relationships through the pop culture lens on July 15th from 1 p.m.-4 p.m. This workshop will discuss some important themes of the movies, while examining messages teens are receiving about relationships from popular culture. Is there anything parents and other adults can do to combat unrealistic messages portrayed in media? How do these images and messages impact youth? In this workshop we will examine these questions and much more (while of course watching some favorite clips from the movies. For all of you fan-mothers out there, this might be quite enticing.)

To register, please email