- Choose a salad or steamed vegetables as a first course – the fiber is filling and will reduce the amount of food you eat later.
- Choose white meat over dark or red meat, which have more calories and less nutritional value.
- Drink plenty of water – not only is water a healthy beverage alternative, it’s also filling so there’s less room in the tummy for the rich foods. Try this challenge: for every glass of wine or sweetened beverage you consume, drink a glass of water first.
- Don’t starve yourself during the day for the big meal in the evening. Skipping meals may cause you to overeat and consume more calories in the long run.
- Eat slowly - not only will you enjoy the taste of the food more, you’ll eat less as your body recognizes that it’s getting full. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the message from the stomach that you’ve had enough.
- Snack on raw veggies with a low-fat dip before the meal, instead of cookies or candy.
…and for more healthy holiday eating tips, click here.